Here you will find our entire library of useful videos, documents and images for many hot topics.
How to Purchase
Click the title or picture for more details. To download your favorite videos and docs click 'add to cart' then register an account and make your payment. Payment can be made through Paypal, CashApp or Zelle. PayPal payments will have immediate access to downloads for selected items while CashApp and Zelle will need their payments confirmed before downloads are released.
Accessing Purchased Downloads
After making your payment you can access the selected downloads for a period of 6 months by logging into your account with your email and the password you selected when you registered. You can click Shop or My Account and view available downloads on your downloads page or orders page. More conveniently you can also find your downloads after logging in on each of the products pages you have purchased.
Private Members Only Downloads
We now have a new member only downloads section! These private downloads are excusive to active members and membership is only $15 per month.